Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Qualities to start export / import business

Export activities is very essential to every countries revenue. Country like india are having huge potentials to export and fulfill every needs in other countries. Countries like singapore, malaysia is importing every things from neighbor countries.

And indian market for exports is widely open to start-up export companies and obviously the existing exports those who are successfully doing it. Now a days in indian market many started doing import / export training classes to help start up export companies to initiate with this potential business segment. As well our government has given liberty to exports and relax restrictions in this business. 

Qualities required to start export business :

To get knowledge on the below things will help an exporter to be a qualifier. 

> Product knowledge 

   - Find the demand - Find the RIGHT buyer
   - Find the right supply - Find the RIGHT supplier

> Quality 

   - Is the very important constraint 

> Packaging

> Shipping / Insurance

> Bank Terms

   - Advance payment
   - LOC - Letter of Credit
   - DAP - Payment against document

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